PWT 6.3: Lookup data by country

1. Select one or more countries (190) that you are are interested in:


2. Select one or more topics that you are are interested in:


Population [pop]
Exchange rate [xrat]
National Currency (Local Currency Unit) [national_currency]
Sum of household consumption expenditure and final consumption expenditure of NPISH's (at current prices) [chcur]
Sum of government collective consumption expenditure and government individual consumption expenditure, i.e. GCKON plus health and education services of Government consumed by households. (at current prices) [gcur]
Domestic investment, a.k.a. gross capital formation (at current prices) [icur]
Exports of goods and services (at current prices) [expc]
Imports of goods and services (at current prices) [impc]
Actual household consumption (at current prices), which equals CHCUR + GCUR - GCCUR [cacur]
Collective consumption of government for public good type activities, like police. (at current prices) [gccur]
Consumption expenditure of NPISH's (at current prices). NPISH: Non-profit institutions serving households [npcur]
Sum of household consumption expenditure and final consumption expenditure of NPISH's (at constant prices) [chkon]
Sum of government collective consumption expenditure and government individual consumption expenditure, i.e. GCKON plus health and education services of Government consumed by households. (at constant prices) [gkon]
Domestic investment, a.k.a. gross capital formation (at constant prices) [ikon]
Exports of goods and services (at constant prices) [expk]
Imports of goods and services (at constant prices) [impk]
Actual household consumption (at constant prices), which equals CHKON + GKON - GCKON [cakon]
Collective consumption of government for public good type activities, like police. (at constant prices) [gckon]
Consumption expenditure of NPISH's (at constant prices). NPISH: Non-profit institutions serving households [npkon]

3. Optionally specify a time period:
If you wish to retrieve data for a specific time period, you can truncate the series by specifying a beginning year and a terminating year for your time series.
(between 1950-2007)
(between 1950-2007)

4. Topics to be listed as:

5. Output format:

6. Submit Query: