Lookup data by country

1. Select one or more countries that you are are interested in:

2. Select one or more topics that you are are interested in:
Exchange Rate
Purchasing Power Parity over GDP
Real Gross Domestic Product per Capita
Consumption Share of CGPD
Government Share of CGDP
Investment Share of CGDP
Price Level of Gross Domestic Product
Price Level of Consumption
Price Level of Government
Price Level of Investment
Openness in Current Prices
Ratio of GNP to GDP
CGDP Relative to the United States
Real GDP per capita (Constant Prices: Laspeyres)
Real GDP per capita (Constant Prices: Chain series)
Real GDP Chain per equivalent adult
Real GDP Chain per worker
Real Gross Domestic Income (RGDPL adjusted for Terms of Trade changes)
Openness in Constant Prices
Consumption Share of RGDPL
Government Share of RGDPL
Investment Share of RGDPL
Growth rate of Real GDP per capita (Constant Prices: Chain series)

3. Optionally specify a time period:
If you wish to retrieve data for a specific time period, you can truncate the series by specifying a beginning year and a terminating year for your time series.
(between 1950-2004)
(between 1950-2004)

4. Topics to be listed as:

5. Output format:

6. Submit Query: