Microdata Analysis & Subsetting with SDA@CHASS Subscribers
Access to the SDA@CHASS database servers at CHASS is restricted to registered
subscribers. If you attempt to invoke the SDA@CHASS database,
connection attempts will be refused to non-subscribers. For subscription information please
send e-mail to DataCentre support.
There are two Data Centre servers at CHASS that run in load-balancing and
fail-over mode: dc1.chass.utoronto.ca and dc2.chass.utoronto.ca.
"dc1" and "dc2" names are also aliased to "datacenter1" and "datacenter2"
(as well as "datacentre1" and "datacentre2"). Thus, all URL's listed below
are legitimate:
The following universities and agencies have currently access to the SDA@CHASS database via CHASS Data Centre Web servers:
1. University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario (CHASS Data Centre Host)
(.utoronto.ca .toronto.edu) |
2. Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL)
2.1 Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, Ontario
(.torontomu.ca) |
2.2 York University, Toronto, Ontario
(.yorku.ca) |
3. Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries (COPPUL)
3.1 Grant MacEwan University, Edmonton, Alberta
(.macewan.ca) |
3.3 University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta
(.ualberta.ca) |
3.4 Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia
(.sfu.ca) |
3.5 University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta
(.ucalgary.ca) |
3.6 University Of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba
(.umanitoba.ca) |
3.7 University Of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, B.C
(.unbc.edu) |
3.8 University Of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan
(.uregina.ca) |
3.9 University Of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
(.usask.ca) |
3.10 University of the Fraser Valley, Abbotsford, British Columbia
(.ufv.ca) |
3.11 University Of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia
(.uvic.ca) |
3.12 University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Manitoba
(.uwinnipeg.ca) |
4. Council of Atlantic University Libraries (CAUL)
4.1 Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia
(.dal.ca) |
4.2 Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Nfld.
(.mun.ca) |
4.3 Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia
(.smu.ca) |
4.4 Université de Moncton, Moncton, N.B.
(.umoncton.ca) |
4.5 University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B.
(.unb.ca .unbsj.ca .stthomasu.ca) |
4.6 Mount Saint Vincent University
(http://www.msvu.ca) |
4.7 St. Francis Xavier University
(https://www.stfx.ca) |
5. Bureau de cooperation interuniversitaire (BCI)
5.1 HEC Montreal, Montreal, Quebec
(.hec.ca) |
A number of other universities - not listed here - may have short-term
temporary access to the SDA@CHASS database WWW server at CHASS for demo purposes.
If you experience technical problems and your university or agency
is included in the list above, please send e-mail to CHASS support, or leave a phone message at (416) 978-2535.
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