Updated: October 22, 2018 3:14 PM EDT
Terminology and miscellaneous information
- Previously used CANSIM table numbers have been replaced by unique Product Identification numbers (PIDs). For example, CANSIM table 251-0008 will now be identified as PID 35100003.
- New tables introduced after June 4th, 2018 will not include a CANSIM table number. However, the CHASS interface will continue to accept CANSIM table numbers for searchability of old CANSIM tables.
- CHASS CANSIM interface will display corresponding CANSIM table numbers next to new PIDs where applicable. Alternatively, for reference, a look-up table is available on StatCan website providing the concordance between CANSIM table numbers and the new PIDs.
- New Product Identification Numbers have a unique definition where the first two digits refer to the ID of a particular Subject. For instance, PID 10100003 says that this table belongs to a Subject with ID 10. This information is relevant when using Sequential Listing of Tables under Time series view or browsing tables by titles/numbers and clicking on "by_table_number" option under Multidimensional view.
CANSIM Multidimensional view
Text Search
- Under �Search the following fields� while selecting �Table keywords� as a filter, keywords for tables introduced after June 4th won�t be searched as they are no longer provided by StatCan
- New frequencies have been added under �Include tables of the following frequency in the result"
Browse tables by subject
- Depending on each subject, StatCan has merged, divided, in some cases introduced third hierarchy and added new subjects. All associated tables are accessible under the new subject hierarchy
Browse by keywords
- Keywords for tables introduced after June 4, 2018 will no longer be populated on this page as StatCan will not be providing keywords associated with tables. Currently displayed keywords will still retrieve associated tables introduced before June 4, 2018
Browse tables by titles/numbers
- When browsing by table numbers the sequential list of CANSIM tables will no longer support table retrieval using old CANSIM IDs. Sequential list for new PIDs has been implemented. For example, previously a particular range filter would be [10,001-20,000] now we have replaced it with first two digits of PIDs as [10][11][12]�. [46].
Locate tables by table numbers or ranges
- �Locate tables by numbers or/ranges� will now support new product IDs as well as previously used cansim IDs
- A range search is only calculated on legacy Cansim IDs available for tables released prior to June 4, 2018. For example, searching for 10007..10009 will return all tables in that range. A range containing arbitrary numbers will also return all tables in that range treating the numbers(100..56984) as previously used CANSIM table numbers. However, for corresponding PIDs 32100353..32100364 the search will return no results. A search including two PIDs as range boundaries essentially means the same as browsing tables by titles/numbers and clicking on "by_table_number" option.
- For individual ID searches (ex. 10007 or 41100001), both legacy Cansim ID's and new Product ID's are accepted.
- New frequencies have been added under Include tables of the following frequency in the result
CANSIM Time series view
Sequential Listing of Tables
- #4a applies from CANSIM Multidimensional View
CANSIM table by number
- #5a applies from CANSIM Multidimensional View
CANSIM Textual search
- #1 applies from CANSIM Multidimensional View
CANSIM Olap view
- The OLAP view is now accessible for the data released after June 4, 2018. Tables previously identified using CANSIM IDs now use new PIDs.
List of inaccessible tables as of October 22, 2018:
- 36100215
- 36100600
- Vectors IDs, its underlying data, and all associated search functionalities remain the same
- Series level termination information is no longer provided by StatCan. Hence, any update to CANSIM tables received after June 4, 2018, will not include vector termination information and thus will not reflect on CANSIM interface
The use of CANSIM @ CHASS is restricted to current faculty, staff, and
students of
subscribing universities.
L'utilisation de CANSIM @ CHASS est limitée au corps professoral, aux étudiants et au personnel des universités participantes.
L'utilisation de CANSIM @ CHASS est limitée au corps professoral, aux étudiants et au personnel des universités participantes.